
Energysense for Social Innovation

How can Energysense stimulate and support research on social innovation for the energytransition? The answer to this question will be at the heart of an upcoming presentation by Anne Beaulieu, programme manager of Energysense, during the conference Energy and Social Innovation organised by the Delft Energy Initiative on 3-4 April 2017.

Symposium "Social Innovation and EnergyTransition"

Delft Energy Initiative, 3-4 April 2017

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Energysense: a socio-technical infrastructure for stimulating and doing research on social innovation

Energysense is a living lab facility developed at the University of Groningen. Energysense was conceived as a demonstration of the power of multi-disciplinary approaches to energy research, of the benefits of bringing a critical mass of researchers from different institutions together, and of the strength of a private-public partnership to stimulate innovation.

Energysense gathers data on energy use, behaviour and attitudes from participating households in the Netherlands since 2015. The various kinds of data highlight different aspects of households, which are conceived in Energysense as the combination of a dwelling plus its inhabitants over time. As such, Energysense provides a shared object, around which those involved with social or technical innovation can develop a dialogue. This is a powerful approach to both study and stimulate social innovation.

Energysense is therefore a high-quality knowledge infrastructure that offers a unique approach that makes the combined study of both social and technological change possible. Energysense is open-ended and set up for a minimum of 5 to 10 years. This longitudinal set up will furthermore enable research into long-term effects of innovations and interventions and make societal trends visible.

The presentation will illustrate the data collection and functionalities of Energysense. It will also highlight the possibilities for co-creation with households. The audience will also learn how requests for the use of existing data, the collection of new data and for use of the infrastructure can be submitted to Energysense.

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Nijenborgh 6
9747 AG Groningen

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